
Innovative tubing solutions and bending tube software measuring for quality control with features to measure, compare, correct and document. It also offers competence area tubing, 3D optical inspection tactile, laser line and laser scan measuring methods.

About the Product

Innovative tubing solutions and bending tube software measuring for quality control with features to measure, compare, correct and document. It also offers competence area tubing, 3d optical inspection tactile, laser line and laser scan measuring methods.

  • Measure: 3D measuring system
  • Compare: Best-Fit
  • Correct: For bending machine in bending machine data format
  • Documentation: 2D, 3D, Excel, PDF, DXF, Print


Interface for MicroScribe laser scanner

Interface for CMM laser scanner

Point clouds to STL-Mesh

Automatic tube geometry from IGES data

Intuitive Measurement Process

User Defined Layout

Direct PDF report generation

Interface for tactile measurement (Ex. with PRECI 3D GUN)

Automatic graphical error preview on screen

Windows Tablet compatible

Supporting OS: Win 7 to Win 10 (32 bit and 64 bit)

Works on Desktop, Laptop, Tablet & Mobile Version

Best Performance

Our Clients

Module List

Software Modules Starter Expert Feriform
Load Master-respectively construction data
Read-in measured tube
Calculate new correction
Define Properties within the correction window
Corrected tube with correction data and deviations
Reduce and adept freeform data without geometry change
Printout of documentation/window to define priorities
Open data .TBE / .XYZ
Measure tactile
Measure Infrared
Measure Laserline
Laser Scanning
Fixture window / Generate parameter for fixture elements
Prototype fixture / Generate parameter of fixture elements
Input of XYZ and TBE data (generate tube)
Inspect deviation of individual points against Master-IGES in XYZ / little flags
Geometry modules referring to a tube geometry
Bestflt-Master / measured tube
Bestfit extended / with one spedal point
Data table / changements In XYZ with A/B displadng
Data table / changements only in TBE, without A/B displacing
Load tube in general, save, U-bend, bend in plane
Unlock different data formats to import into 3DTube•Soft XYZ and TBE
Collision within tubes
Change tube position with mouse without changing the coordinate system
Change tube with different possibilities for selection
Tube documentation / define priorities / 1:1 flat tube
3D Measurement
User defined dimensioning f.e. angle documentation
Excel import / export
IGES tubedata converter / import-export
STL-tubedata converter (freehand scan)
STEP tubedata converter import-export
Design-Tool, free definition of tube coordinates in 3D
Measure and position, align flange and documentation
Measure freeform with all calculation operations for correction
Measure radius
Measure ovality in a bend
RPS alignment
Excel-Inspection report
Excel-first sample report
Excel-first sample report extended
Inspect tube with holes against IGES
Controlled automated methodology of measurement
Measurement plan / spedally small bend angles
Virtual-Measurement with mouse